Family businesses are quite common. Estimates suggest there are more than 5 million family businesses in the United States alone. While family businesses are prevalent, this does not diminish their unique nature, as a family business often plays a central role in the family’s identity. Family members are typically deeply attached to the business and its achievements. They may see their own futures intertwined with it. Owners of family businesses are generally very invested in their ventures and view them as part of their legacy. Consequently, sellers often hope to find buyers who will appreciate and continue their legacy. It is common for sellers to seek buyers who share their vision for the business. Adding to the complexity, about one-third of family business owners never plan to retire. As a result, many family businesses lack a succession or exit plan, which can lead to instability and potentially jeopardize the business’s future. It is advisable for family business owners to work … [Read more...]
The Invaluable Benefits of Working with A Business Broker
One of the worst mistakes any business owner can make is neglecting their business during the sales process. It is quite common for sellers to become overwhelmed, lose focus, and see their business suffer as a result. The last thing any business owner wants is for their business to encounter problems right before it is put up for sale. Fortunately, there are straightforward and effective steps that business owners can take to avoid this potential pitfall. Maintaining Business Operations Ensuring that your business is ready to be sold means making sure everything is in top condition before the business is placed on the market. In short, you don’t want to make any major changes to the way your business normally functions. Your hours of operation, inventory levels, and other key business factors should remain as stable as possible. To put it another way, everything should be “business as usual” until you have officially sold your business. Maintaining a “business as usual” environment … [Read more...]
Selling Your Business Like a Pro
Having a player mindset when selling a business can be a real gamechanger. The goal with this approach is to steer clear from coming across as desperate or highly motivated to sell. Instead, a seller who embraces a player mindset operates from a position of strength. It’s all about realizing you have something of value and then realistically taking steps to move forward. Keep Operations in Check It is vital that you, as a seller, realize that your number one responsibility is to your business. You must keep normal hours of operation and activities should proceed as normal. This will ensure that everything at your business is operating at peak levels. Inventories must be maintained, team members must stay on board, and you should continue moving forward as though there is no sale on the horizon. After all, business deals fall apart every single day. Stay Realistic Being a player doesn’t mean being unrealistic or greedy when it comes to pricing. While you, and your business broker or … [Read more...]
Strategic Negotiation: Essential Tactics for Deal Success
Negotiation can evoke a range of feelings: some people thrive on it, others dread it, and many fall somewhere in between. Regardless of your stance, the ultimate goal remains the same: to emerge successfully from the negotiation. Mastering effective negotiation methods and tactics can give you an edge where others might falter. The objective is to close deals effectively. Here are three negotiation strategies that have been proven to close more deals. Leverage the Experts One common belief is that you should never negotiate your own deal. Business owners are often too emotionally invested in their businesses, which can cloud their judgment. Buyers can also become overly emotionally attached. Engaging a professional business broker or M&A advisor can be a strategic move toward achieving a favorable outcome. A professional broker not only knows what constitutes a fair price but also understands the many factors that influence the negotiation. Take it or Leave it Another strategy to … [Read more...]
Why Business Brokerage Professionals Use Term Sheets
Term sheets are invaluable in that they can serve as a point of orientation during negotiations. Thanks to term sheets it is possible to keep everyone involved, focused and on target. What is a Term Sheet? These nonbinding agreements detail the basic terms and conditions of a deal. It is different from a legally binding agreement, so it is often misunderstood by buyers and sellers. However, the term sheet serves the purpose of moving a deal along and helping both parties to get on the same page. A term sheet can be thought of as a preliminary proposal that contains a range of information that is essential to the deal. A well-crafted term sheet includes more than the price, as it also includes key terms and any major considerations, such as employment agreements, consulting and more. In Russ Robb’s book, “Streetwise Selling Your Business,” Robb concluded that a term sheet serves to include the price range along with the basic structure of a deal. Importantly, Robb also notes that a … [Read more...]
Mastering Your Mindset: Strategic Approaches to Selling Your Business
At some point, the odds are exceptionally high that you’ll need to sell your business. Today, fewer businesses are being passed on to the next generation, increasing the likelihood that you will be selling yours eventually. Regardless of your business’ stage of life, the time to prepare for its eventual sale is now. Many believe that the most effective approach to selling a business is to avoid adopting a purely “selling” mindset and instead aim to position the business to be purchased. Let’s take a look at a historical example. In Cary Reich’s 1996 book “The Life of Nelson Rockefeller”, an insightful anecdote illustrates this point. In negotiations over Rockefeller’s Mesabi iron ore properties with J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. astutely replied to Morgan’s team asking for a price with, “I think there must be some mistake. I did not come here to sell. I understand you wish to buy.” Despite Morgan eventually purchasing the properties, the price was set significantly higher. The … [Read more...]
5 Essential Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is a crucial platform for professionals serious about business. Its versatility allows business owners to harness its potential in numerous ways. By implementing the following tips, you can enhance your LinkedIn profile to attract more leads and expand your network rapidly. 1. Send Connection Requests Initiate by actively sending connection requests. Most LinkedIn users understand its networking purpose, making it easier to connect with potential clients, CPAs, attorneys, and other influential individuals. Use LinkedIn’s search tool to identify and invite relevant contacts. The platform’s improved connections recommendation feature is invaluable for expanding your network strategically. 2. Build Out Your Profile Before diving into connections, ensure your profile is comprehensive and up-to-date. Include a professional photograph or yourself, contact information, and a clear summary detailing who you are, what you do, and how you and your business can add value. Focus on … [Read more...]
Navigating Due Diligence: Essential Steps for Successful Business Transactions
There is no denying the satisfaction that comes with obtaining a signed letter of intent from both the buyer and seller. However, it’s crucial to recognize that due diligence has yet to be completed. No deal is final until the seller undergoes this process and commits to proceeding. In Stanley Foster Reed’s insightful book, The Art of M&A, Reed emphasizes that the goal of due diligence is to “assess the benefits and liabilities of a proposed acquisition by investigating all relevant aspects of the business’s past, present, and foreseeable future.” Reed highlights the importance of thoroughly examining every aspect of a business and its potential trajectory. Due diligence is inherently comprehensive, and it’s no surprise that many deals falter during this critical stage. Therefore, it is prudent for both buyers and sellers to consult with key team members, such as lawyers and accountants, before embarking on due diligence. Reviewing All Aspects of a Business There are numerous … [Read more...]
The Critical Importance of Confidentiality in Selling Your Business
Maintaining confidentiality should be placed at the top of your “to-do” list when selling a business. The tremendous importance of maintaining confidentiality is difficult to overstate and stands as one of the key reasons that any seller should opt to work with a business broker or M&A advisor. Every seller should remember that a breach in confidentiality can quickly kill a deal, and for many different reasons. To be blunt, a breach in confidentiality is dangerous for your business. Such a breach can cause suppliers, vendors, key customers or clients, as well as employees and management, to become concerned or even alarmed. A change in the ownership of a business can translate into major changes in how it operates. Vendors and suppliers can worry about disruptions, and employees and management may become concerned for their jobs or positions. In turn, disruptions may take place, such as key team members finding new positions, which could make a prospective buyer nervous. These … [Read more...]
Understanding the Complexities of Buyer Motivation
Negotiations can often be both perplexing and delicate. A simple misstep can jeopardize what could have been a great deal. One key but often overlooked tool in any negotiation is to pause and consider the wants, needs, and desires of the other party. Contemplating the ideal outcome for them can work wonders. Understanding what motivates a buyer is crucial for a successful outcome. At the beginning of the sales process, it’s unlikely that you’ll know what your buyer really wants. This lack of knowledge about their desires, values, and standards presents a challenge, especially in the initial stages. Essentially, you’re operating with limited key information at the negotiation’s onset, necessitating caution. One effective approach is to emphasize the strong financials of the business. Emphasizing a business’s sound financial footing is generally well-received. Whether a buyer is a former corporate executive or from another background, highlighting a strong return on investment (ROI) is … [Read more...]