Selling Your Business Like a Pro

Having a player mindset when selling a business can be a real gamechanger. The goal with this approach is to steer clear from coming across as desperate or highly motivated to sell. Instead, a seller who embraces a player mindset operates from a position of strength. It’s all about realizing you have something of value and then realistically taking steps to move forward.

Keep Operations in Check

It is vital that you, as a seller, realize that your number one responsibility is to your business. You must keep normal hours of operation and activities should proceed as normal. This will ensure that everything at your business is operating at peak levels. Inventories must be maintained, team members must stay on board, and you should continue moving forward as though there is no sale on the horizon. After all, business deals fall apart every single day.

Stay Realistic 

Being a player doesn’t mean being unrealistic or greedy when it comes to pricing. While you, and your business broker or M&A advisor, will want the very best price for your business, it is essential that you remain realistic about the value of your business. Remember that like any asset, your business is not worth what you think it is worth. Instead, it is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If you are like most business owners, you have a great deal of sweat equity built up in your business, and that means your emotions are likely involved. Having an impartial expert evaluate your business and reach a realistic price is in your best interests.

Maintain Confidentiality

A key part of achieving a successful sale is to maintain confidentiality. Experienced brokerage professionals always use confidentiality agreements because they work to protect their clients. One slip up in the realm of confidentiality can destroy a potentially great deal and even damage your business. Don’t work with any business broker that doesn’t utilize the powerful tool that is the confidentiality agreement.

Get the Upper Hand 

Being a player instead of a seller means that you act from a position of strength. Circumstances often dictate whether or not a seller is in a position to act from a position of strength. For this reason, you’ll want to sell when you are not forced to do so for personal or financial reasons. You’ll want to prepare your business for sale when you are not under any pressing stress to sell. Investing the time to clean up your balance sheet, address any environmental or leasing issues, assemble key documents, settle litigation and other key steps, should be done long before you wish to sell. In short, you want to be ready to sell whenever you feel like doing so.

Selling a business is a complicated process with many moving parts. Quite often, it is the structure of the deal that is more important than the price. Maintaining momentum is often the most important part of achieving a successful sale, for deals that drag on for an extended period of time are more likely to fall apart. 

As a player selling from a position of strength and not a seller who is in reactivity mode and must sell immediately, you set yourself up to be firm but also utilize flexible thinking. Being flexible and realizing when to bend can make all the difference between a deal happening and a deal falling apart. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.


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